Local UCA Links

Hobart North Uniting Church

– also with links to The Uniting Churches within the Hobart City Precinct


Link for Hobart North Uniting Church  

Cnr Elizabeth  and  Swan  St North Hobart   Worship 9.30am Sunday and most weeks Evening Worship at 6.00pm.  Contact our Minister Jeff on 0429 728 243 to confirm if evening worship is on.

Link for Hobart North Facebook Page

Link for Worship Service at Hobart North Uniting Church


Other Uniting Church Ministry within the Hobart City Precinct

Scots-Memorial Uniting Church New Website. 29 Bathurst St, Hobart (less than 5 minute walk from the Elizabeth St Mall).  Worship 10am Sunday and 11.30am Tuesdays.

The former Wesley Church and later Wesley Faith Community, closed in the second half of 2021 after many years of faithful service.  (Another denomination hires the worship space and holds worship weekly (once a month worship is in English).  Uniting VicTas a caring agency of the Uniting Church continues to have a presence on the former Wesley site through its offices, and No Bucks Community Meals during the week.  See below for No Bucks information.

Wesley Museum is a labour of love as it holds many of the treasurers of history of Methodism and later the Uniting Church as it relates to not only Hobart, but prior links to Methodism.

The Agency Uniting VictTas (City Activities) is a care and support agency of the Uniting Church in Australia – 56 – 58 Melville Street, Hobart. 03 6244 1144

Suburban Uniting Church Presence:


The Agency Uniting VictTas (Suburban Activities)  is a care and support agency of the Uniting Church in Australia – 56 – 58 Melville Street, Hobart. 03 6244 1144 (or other listed numbers below).

We would love to meet and share with you, to support and encourage you, and to get to know you.  Here on the site you’ll find lots of information, links to our favourite places, news and views, and a collection of thought provoking articles.

Whether you’re stopping by the site for a visit, or plan on coming to meet us in person, the message is the same. You’re welcome, and we’re glad to meet you.
